Sunday, October 3, 2010

MInd Travels sorry folks that i've traveled very little lately ~ most of my travels have been in my mind & since i day dream so much, i've been to many places....

but in this reality.....

i haven't had time to post my pacific northwest road trip or our big summer pool party in LA, so that's a part of my "TO DO" list & also, several overnight camping trips ~ great spots ~ &&& VERY CLOSE ~~ Mt. Diablo, which grows taller every year & Portola State Park to celebrate Patty's birthday ~ it was great to do both mini-camp trips ~ the 1st b/c the mountain greets me on my commute to work when i drive down twin peaks towards the mission (it really does seem taller!!!) & the second because i had a peaceful fireside watch with keenan & a fabulous breakfast meal & musical moment with patty, john & keenan ~ short little nature visits that will last me a lifetime ~

hopefully i can find the time to post a few photos ~

~~~ oh yeah, but since my son and his wife bought a house in concord, i now have a new vacation spot ~ thank you Sandino & Shy! I love you & see you next weekend!!!! (he he)

1 comment:

judith kajiwara said...

Glad I found Travels with Pinay Mujer! Now we can keep up! So Sandino & Shy bought a house in Concord?? Congratulations! It's great having four grown kids, isn't it? With all the birthday parties, gifts, cakes, bbqs, there's never a moment of boredom. Now the grandbabies are playing football ... so there goes another few hours/week invested in total bliss. Basketball is around the corner & that's MB's game. Keep the vibes high!