Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Te Rongopae ~ The Clear Bright Horizon

I haven't traveled internationally since 2008, being focused on the work needed here on Turtle Island. This trip, Te Rongopae, was a call that I heeded, even planning it at the very last minute, but heeding its call and gaining more than I would ever have imagined. Organized by the Maori Healers (, Atarangi Muru and Manu Korewha, I have gained practice, insights, songs, dances, dreams, thoughts, inspirations and a new family, a Whaunou. We are connected by the rainbow bridge, our thoughts and actions, our ha ~ breath of life ~ and our tears of joy and pain, from the innermost recesses of being. I am honored to have made the journey and will share bits and pieces as time goes by.

Our training intensive was held at a wonderful retreat ~ Kawai Purapura ~ here's our dining hall area, taken upon my arrival ~ I flew in one day late and was unable to participate in the morning ceremony at the ocean, but was instead greeted by a beautiful forested area with lovely buildings at this retreat ~ my friends were to arrive a bit later ~

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