Thursday, February 5, 2009

Taos Pueblo Peace & Quiet

Finally getting the R&R needed to work on my curriculum. The beautiful skies distract me, wrote a poem this morning when Cynthia took off for her 12 hours shifts providing care to the Pueblos Indians in Santa Fe... the work we do is so vital...

a cold morning
in taos
i sit
watch the sunrise
three clouds peed over the mts.
like apostrophes
then disappear
overwhelmed by the intense
brilliant light
of a new day

on the tree outside
birds flit
back and
forth in the chill winter air as
jumping from
branch to
branch, reviewing
details of my life

...this poem inspired by artist Kublai Millan Ponce of Mindanao, after looking @ photos & reading poems from the gift he gave me of his time, conversations, and good times spent with Kalpna & the other 2008 Fulbrighters at Ponce Suites....he was so right... your words & mine, mingling, are precious & last through eternity.

1 comment:

Cultural Cross Currents said...

I really enjoy the photos and the sentiments expressed in this blog post.