Monday, March 24, 2008

Today's News: What's said & not said

It's my morning ritual to grab a cup of coffee & read the newspaper... buried on the 3rd page of the San Francisco Chronicle today was the fact that 4,000 U.S. soldiers have died in Iraq. This news should have been front page news, but being that major media is owned by the corporations, such news is either buried, misreported or not even reported. It's best for us to keep up with Internet news sources or alternative media.

I am sad to say that my daughter-in-law's stepbrother,
Michael Manibog , was killed just this Spring, his funeral was last month. I didn't really know him, but my daughter-in-law had good memories of them playing when they were young. What is difficult also is that her other brother is still in Iraq. I knew him as a student at Everett Middle School in San Francisco & recall his great love for his brand new wife & I fear for his life right now...let's send prayers to our young people fighting abroad.

Does the Pentagon or the current U.S Administration care about any of our family members who are sacrificed in this war? Do they care about the million plus Iraqis who have already died? This war really has to end. I want our soldiers back in the arms of their families.

That's why I'm voting for Barack Obama & investing in his campaign. I've gotta put my money where my mouth is--forget hitting the streets with my protests... my new strategy is to donate my hard earned money to causes that will actually make a change. I don't know if it will really make a difference, but I feel it's positive energy going out there. I want a peaceful world for my children, my grandchildren and all my relations...

May it be beautiful before us
May it be beautiful behind us
May it be beautiful above us
May it be beautiful below us
May it be beautiful all around us
May we walk in beauty, with peace for all relations.

Dine prayer (with my additions)

May peace be yours always & may peace be extended to all our relations.


Unknown said...

See and hear testimony from Iraq Veterans... this didn't make the mainstream media either.

Pinay Mujer said...

Thanks Ron. I checked it out & you're right...people need to know these things!