Saturday, November 26, 2011

Still in Love with Mountain Peaks

Today's morning adventure guided me to Twin Peaks for a moment of praise. I was greeted by Cloud Woman, whose venture south was triumphant, she looked like the Statue of Liberty, only serene and tranquil, floating towards the southlands, where the Sun resides this time of year. The Wind, a constant at our Peaks, cleansed me and each direction was beautiful and clear. To my east, Mount Diablo ever grows, San Bruno Mountains to my south was bathed in sunshine and wispy clouds, the Farallon Islands clear in the vast Pacific to my west, and Mt. Tamalpais to my north ever so beautiful. Soft songs came again. The birds catching the wind--one held still in the sky by the wind, with its wings outstretched ~ a moment of pure joy ~ thankful for a blessed moment on this day where I live. Today's travels -- here at home, in San Francisco.

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