Sunday, February 12, 2012

Joyous 33

joy manifesting her vision of joining the pacific voyagers (above) ~ joy's visit to sf bay with me @ treasure island ~ 2011 ~ prayers of safety, learning & saving our beautiful ocean ~ it's a joyous adventure!!!
One day after Whitney Houston's death, remembering Aja's triumphant walk down the runaway to "I'm Every Woman," I awoke to see that Joy Ancheta turned 33. She is a crew member on the Pacific Voyagers (click above link on the title) on their return trip to the South Pacific. I am honored that she is the sole Pin@y representative joining our Austronesian family revitalizing the canoe ways of our ancestors... I was inspired to write a poem!!! ~

joyous 33

by holly calica, 2/12/2012

she sails

glides over waves

del pacifico

madre del mundo

she sails

riding one vaka

amongst many

Austronesia brothers


fathers mothers

ninos del mar

primos del amor, hermanos de tiburones

los delfines

y las ballenas

even with tears falling

still bailando con splashes everywhere

skyhopping and

sharing their love with us

despite the pollution caused

by us, by our modern technology

our carbonized lifestyles of destruction


she sails

a birthday girl

following a dream

a pin@y with hula chants

tucked away

and the call of the ancestors

of my island

luring her west

reliving our past

bringing us forward into a future

with our breath filling her sails

to join the effort in


our blue planet

our sister

a joyous one

makes the voyage for us

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